
Promoting Social Skills, Emotional Regulation, and Problem Solving in K-3 students

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The Classroom Dinosaur Curriculum is a research-based program designed to improve social skills, emotional regulation, and problem-solving skills in students from kindergarten through grade 3. Developed by Dr. Carolyn Webster-Stratton, the Classroom Dinosaur Curriculum offers lessons based on children’s developmental age (Level 1: ages 3-5, Level 2: ages 5-6, Level 3: ages 7-8) and are compatible with the academic curriculum. The learning activities, implemented by the classroom teacher, encourage parent involvement and the active learning of the students through the use of diverse materials (e.g., DVDs, puppets, cards, and books) that promote students’ positive self-esteem and general social, emotional, and academic competence.

The Classroom Dinosaur Curriculum also provides opportunities for the certification of the facilitators to continue their learning process.