Peer-led conflict mediation program: Peers Making Peace
Peers Making Peace, developed by PAX United in Texas, USA, is designed as a school-based, peer-mediation program for elementary through high school students.
Students learn a mediation process for handling challenging situations, resolving differences peacefully, and preventing escalation towards violence. This program seeks to create a sense of safety in the school environment, increase student’s self-efficacy, and reduce discipline referrals. Involved students, or witnesses (children as well as adults in the community), can start the process of mediation by filling out a referral form for a conflict experienced. If disputants agree to meet, two trained student mediators (supported by an adult who is not directly involved in mediation) guide the disputants through a mediation process. The process either ends in an agreement or a follow-up meeting set at a later date.
This program has been adopted in 31 US States, and in Canada, England, Norway, and Sweden.