French short documentary, “Social Me,” shares one young adult’s reflection on her relationship with social media.
This French NFB short documentary on social media includes English sub-titles and was produced by funding from the Canadian government’s Tremplin Program and with Ici Radio-Canada.
Most of the film is a reflection from Nya about what social media meant for her in high school, how she used it, and how she thinks about it now as a young adult. She shares incidents of how hurtful some friends were in their social messaging and her thoughts on cyberbullying. As such, this film is a great resource to help students (from Grade 4-12) who may be engaging with social media and not reflecting on its impact on themselves or their peers.
In her teens, Nya used social media chance to explore who she was, document her day and share her thoughts, “like a diary”. Her mother felt that communication with her daughter was difficult because Nya was online too much. The film presents Nya’s perspective alongside her mom’s, a psychologist’s, and one of Nya’s high school friend’s. No educational resource accompanies this film but it can speak to young girls who are struggling with social media. To this, Nya concludes the film by saying: “You have to control (social media), not the other way around.”