
Exploring our Emotions: A Tool to Teach Emotional Intelligence

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The Ekmans’ Atlas of Emotions is an interactive website application that teaches emotional intelligence through self guided exploration of episodic emotional states. Users of the site can click on one of five emotional ‘continents’ and peruse common triggers, as well as the physical sensations that come along with these emotions. Emotional vocabulary is listed for each of the five continents which include anger, fear, disgust, enjoyment and sadness. The site is user friendly and pictorially displays information as it is related to each emotional state.

Dr. Paul Ekman, a recognized expert in emotion, with over 50 years of experience specializing in emotional intelligence, developed the Atlas at the request of the Dalai Lama, as a map to managing emotions constructively. The Atlas emphasizes the importance of self regulation and emotional awareness for optimal wellbeing. Using a “one size fits all” approach, this tool is not age specific, and can help youth as well as teachers explore their own emotional states and encourage use of emotional intelligence in everyday situations.