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Helping adults recognize Panic Disorder in youth: Anxiety Canada

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This link on panic disorder is part of a larger, online resource on anxiety disorders developed by the Anxiety Disorders Association of British Columbia (AnxietyBC). AnxietyCanada is a Canadian non-profit organization dedicated to increasing awareness of anxiety disorders as well as access to evidence-based resources on anxiety disorders.

Visitors to the site will learn about panic disorder, including what symptoms children and teens with panic disorder may experience when suffering a panic attack. Information to help parents recognize panic disorders in their children is also provided. Further augmenting visitors understanding of panic disorders in children, are specific examples of children who struggle with panic disorder (found under “Stories”), as well as a video clip in which two physicians discuss panic disorder in children and teens. The site also provides a resources link where visitors to the site will find strategies for managing panic attacks at home, as well as other resources made available by AnxietyCanada, including a DVD on panic disorder geared toward helping individuals to manage panic attacks using cognitive-behavioral strategies.