Book, Program

A Book to Help Bully-Proof Your School

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Bully-Proofing Your School (BPYS) is a program that empowers students at elementary, middle, and high school to take action against bullying. Published by Voyager Sopris Learning, part of Cambium Learning, BPYS is a program that tackles bullying by building a “caring majority” of students who take the lead in creating and keeping a safe, respectful, and kind school environment. As such, students learn strategies for being active bystanders, avoiding victimization, and encouraging a community free from bullying.

BPYS offers programs at the elementary, middle, and high school levels and provides administrator guides. In 2012, “Schools of Character” selected BPYS as the program of choice. Additionally, a recent five-year research study (Menard & Grotpeter, 2012) evaluated BPYS and found the program helped reduce bullying and related behaviours and increased perceptions of safety at the school.