Considering the viewpoints of bullies and victims in addressing the problem: The Method of Shared Concern
Authored by Dr. Ken Rigby in Australia, an internationally recognized scholar on school bullying, this book offers an in-depth understanding of the Method of Shared Concern, a multistage process for dealing with bullying in schools. Based on a program originally developed by Anatol Pikas, a Swedish psychologist, the Method of Shared Concern is about understanding the viewpoints and experiences of both bullies and victims (through interviews conducted by a trained practitioner), and eventually bringing parties together to develop a solution.
Written for schoolteachers and counselors, The Method of Shared Concern is organized into three parts. The first provides an overview of bullying and an understanding of different types and roles of bullies and victims. Part two describes in detail how the Method of Shared Concern works, including the purpose, actions, and possible difficulties faced within each stage of the process. Examples of interviews are provided, which serve to give the reader a sense of what the method looks like in practice. Part three describes how this method could be appraised and implemented within a school.
Citation: Rigby, K. (2011). The Method of Shared Concern: a positive approach to bullying in schools. Camberwell: ACER.