A report by the OECD on the importance of developing social and emotional skills
As part of the Education and Social Progress project conducted by the international Organization for Economic and Cooperative Development (OECD) Center for Educational Research and Innovation, this report synthesizes OECD’s empirical research on social and emotional skills that impact child outcomes across OECD countries.
This comprehensive report includes literature reviews and empirical analyses identifying important social and emotional skills, as well as policies and practices that have proven effective (and ineffective) in fostering these skills. Examples of Social and Emotional Learning educational policies and practices from various OECD countries are also provided.
One section of this 142-page report also considers assessment of social and emotional skills, highlighting the importance of developing and using appropriate measures, and providing information on how to do so in ways that are meaningful within different cultural and linguistic domains.
OECD (2015), Skills for Social Progress: The Power of Social and Emotional Skills, OECD Skills Studies, OECD Publishing. http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264226159-en